
Tracks market sector in emerging economies.

Today, India, China, Russia and Brazil, began to stage plays in the global economy and increased trade. Many economists agency commented. These countries will be the key engine driving the global economy in the future. Especially China and India are expected in the 21 century will be the economic superpower of the world, replacing the United States and Europe.

However, the economic development of that country. To develop industry, agriculture and services simultaneously. Developing agriculture is itself made in such a demand for tractors for agriculture more. The main objective of increasing productivity, and efficiency in production. Including replacement labor agriculture. Problems moving workers into industry and services are likely to be higher in the future. The expectations that the other. 5 years supply car tracks sector in India, China, Russia and Brazil will grow by 25% this year is 66% while the market car tracks sector in the United States and Europe are also flat.

Making agriculture the world's future that aims to increase productivity in manufacturing. This is a confirmation that mechanical agriculture in the future will be increasingly important and markets mechanical agriculture in the world to grow up indeed.

Expected volume of tractors in India, in another 5 years to grow up 54% will increase each year 300,000 vehicles Volume tracks sector in India increased from 2.75 million units is 4.25 million vehicles.

The other major market in ASEAN, including China's five-year supply tracks Foster extends up 66% by volume increase of 200,000 vehicles per year, volume tracks on Foster in China increased from 1.5 million units is 2.5. million vehicles.

For the Tractor in Russia after the era Soviet collapse. Expectations Tractor use in approximately 600,00 units and expected growth increased approximately 40% in the future, which will amount Tractor new in the market to 240,000 vehicles per year.

Local band South America, Brazil focuses on the development of agriculture seriously. Resulting demand for the Tractor in 2007, up 32,000 units grew by 2006, approximately 50% is expected from 2008 needs Tractor will be more than 35,000 vehicles per year, Tractor Agriculture in Brazil increased from 800,000 cars to. at 1 million units before the year 2012.

Market car tracks Foster agriculture in the United States and Europe remained steady. Although the amount Tractor new replace Tractor older disabled then. But does not result in a volume Tractor increased from the original. It is estimated that currently Tractor use in the United States reached 4.8 million cars and Tractor in approximately 220,000 vehicles.

For the EU the amount Tractor increased continuously with the 2007 volume Tractor increase of approximately 166,000 vehicles are expected in another 5 years will amount Tractor in Europe increased 7% made in 2012 with Tractor approximately 9.3 million. vehicles.

FAO estimates that the volume Tractor use in the world with approximately 27.7 million units by the United States, 26%, Europe 41%, Asia 29.5%, countries in the Oceania 1.5% and North Africa 2%, however, not only Tractor only has. demand more in five years. However, mechanical agriculture other would require an increase as well. Therefore, manufacturers Tractor and machinery, agriculture should have education and marketing. Developing products to meet demand in the future, to a maximum.
